hey guys, havent been blogging for a while now. due to laziness i guess? LOL.
im rotting at home today :l hahas.
yesterday went to causeway point with yp , lien and jaslyn.
i was late yesterday and they were like playing guess what colour i wear.
then yp said jas is a AQ. (auntie quek) shhh dun tell :P.
went to buy ticket , and went to arcade to take neo prints :p
Ridiculous Pose i did :l , then went to a tidbit shop to smuggle some drinks up.
We then went up to watch, cool 3D glasses but my eyes were pain. Oh yeah before the movie
we went to the toilet , jas went to the 4th toilet then yp say is kaarthika toilet XD.
FYI , we watch shrek [;. Then we went to eat at yoshinoya.
Went to pasar malam then went home.
sorry this is a few days late cause i lazy edit it !